Driving is an occupation that attracts and appeals to those who do not want or work well under supervision. There are many professional drivers who operate their fleet vehicles in a professional manner. There is also a considerable percentage who look at driving as a profession that frees them of direct supervision and management accountability.
Fleet Driver Risk Management comes in many forms. Throughout my 35+ years in the industry, I have helped customers determine why their companies are losing profits, expending higher costs than anticipated, and what type and to what extent their drivers may be exposing their company to litigation lawsuits due to their Dangerous Driving Behaviors.
Why do most drivers dislike Fleet Driver Safety Vehicle Cameras in their vehicles?
Because for the first time, their management staff can truly know what they are doing in the vehicles when it drives out of sight. The drivers are “accountable” for something new to the drivers, and so they resent change.
Dangerous Driving Behaviors permeate every sector of the transportation markets.
Fleet Driver Risk Management Cameras offer a mechanism in the form of a digital expert witness in cases where management or law enforcement require detailed knowledge of what happened in an incident that may have resulted in an accident, injury, or loss of property.
Material Handling Industrial Lift Truck Cameras
Paratransit Transport Cameras
Elderly Day Care Transport Cameras
Non-Emergency Transport Cameras
Wheelchair Paratransit Cameras
Police Prisoner Surveillance Cameras
Cannabis Transport Vehicle Camera Recorder
Head Start Pre-K Pre-School Nursery School Child Safety Bus Camera Recorder systems
Alternative School & Juvenile Detention Bus Security Camera
Transportation Ministry Youth Activities Church Bus Camera System
Before & After Care School Child Day Care Pickup In-vehicle Shuttle Safety Cameras
Material Handling Industrial Lift Truck Cameras are often installed on skid loaders, and order pickers provide a sequential unbiased expert digital witness vision of what happened in the case of an incident. Forklift Operator Safety Camera Recorders can help ensure these powerful vehicles are operated in a safe manner to protect employees from injury and document property damage due to improper lift truck operation.
Dangerous Driving Behaviors in this application can include:
moving too fast with a load on the lift
transporting unbalanced loads
transporting with loads too high
moving between objects with no assistance
roughhousing and goofing off in the vehicle
texting or Distracted while operating the vehicle
Paratransit Transport Vehicle Cameras are often employed on Medicaid transport services or those that provide transport services to those who cannot drive themselves to medical appointments for treatment or to stores for food and other shopping events that they could not get to on their own. Because this application transports passengers, the liability and risk for liability lawsuits are greater, and thus, the oversight and awareness that the driver is observable and accountable with be added benefits in the case of litigation, accidents, or claims made against the driver.
Dangerous Driving Behaviors in this application can include:
Driving too fast for conditions
Hard turns that can cause a vehicle to rollover
Unacceptable abusive communications to the passengers
Transporting non-authorized persons
Texting While Driving
Road rage incidents
Drinking or using drugs in the vehicle
Elderly Day Care Transport Vehicle Cameras are often employed in senior care facilities to provide an expert digital witness that is unbiased when there are claims made against the drivers. Often the passengers in this application are on medication for varying medical disorders, and so unlike the School Bus Pupil Camera passengers, the passengers on this vehicle may not be fully aware of what is going on, and often their perception is affected by their medication. Often simply showing them video clips of what has happened can help them see what they may have perceived is not what really happened. Senior Day Care Vehicle Camera systems can also document the condition of those Senior passengers transported to verify the process and document the time of departure and arrival, as well as any stops the Elderly Day Care Transport Vehicle Camera equipped vehicle may have made.
Dangerous Driving Behaviors in this application can include:
Driving too fast for conditions
Hard turns that can cause a vehicle to rollover
Unacceptable abusive communications to the passengers
Unsafe or unapproved passenger interaction getting them in and out of their seatbelts
Transporting non-authorized persons
Texting While Driving
Road rage incidents
Drinking or using drugs in the vehicle
Non-Emergency Transport Patient Vehicle Cameras are usually deployed in ambulances and transport vans simply to document the transport of patients being moved from place to place often for medical reasons, but also transportation of valuable medical items such as organs for transplant, blood, and medical samples. NEMT Vehicle Camera systems can also document critical items transported to verify the process and document the time of departure and arrival, as well as any, stops the NEMT vehicle may have made.
Dangerous Driving Behaviors in this application can include:
Driving too fast for conditions
Hard turns that can cause a vehicle to rollover
Unacceptable abusive communications to the passengers
Unsafe or unapproved passenger interaction getting them in and out of their seatbelts
Texting While Driving
In-Vehicle On-Board Video Camera Recorders are found in a wide range of applications from Head Start Nursery School Child Safety Bus Camera Recorder equipped shuttle vehicles to Waste Collection Recycling Video Camera Surveillance Systems even though the fleet risk concerns of those managers may have very different concerns and reasons to employ these digital expert witness In-car Surveillance Vehicle Camera systems.
Should you have any questions, concerns, or require more information about Testudo Lifetime System Warranty Bus Camera Systems, various applications or School Bus Student Transportation Video Camera Recorder configurations, we encourage you to let us know and we will be happy to offer our 35+ years of market experience in sales and service of digital recording devices to respond to your concerns or questions.