• Vehicle Video Cameras

    Online System Pricing Testudo Lifetime System WarrantyLow-Cost Commercial & Industrial Grade Solutions

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Contact Us

American Bus Video Inc.
Home of "Testudo Lifetime System Warranty"
Toll-Free 866.468.8042
35+ Years of Sales & Service Experience

Reseller Pricing & Generic Literature
If you are seeking a relationship, we offer Reseller Pricing with generic unbranded literature, so you may provide it to customers and not have our contact info if that is a help.
Confidential Reseller Pricing requires:
  • Company name 
  • Company address 
  • The company secured the email address 
Confidential Reseller Pricing information is sent to company-secured email only.
Use of free email services (like Hotmail, Gmail, yahoo) is not acceptable for Confidential Reseller Pricing as those providers may require users to agree they may violate the privacy of the email contents, or sell data to third parties, so there can be no expectation of privacy within their email server networks.
Once we know the above information, I will provide appropriately discounted system pricing.