Cannabis Transport Vehicle Camera Recorder
For decades state and federal government agencies have been employing mobile video security surveillance camera systems on government vehicles to provide a verifiable record of events that may occur during transport operations, providing an added measure of oversight when required. The most common application for mobile vehicle surveillance cameras is school bus applications, but the use of these systems to enhance safety and offer management a valuable tool for oversight and event review has increased in many other vehicle-based transportation applications.
The need to manage the higher risks associated with licensed Cannabis Grow Operations, transporting those Cannabis greens or Cannabis / CBD related products to Dispensaries for sale, then transporting the cash from sales of those Cannabis Grow Ops products to a licensed banking site for deposit all add an additional layer on top of the government compliance restrictions placed upon those doing business in that market.
Goals in adding a Cannabis Transport Vehicle Camera Recorders might include:
· Prove or dismiss allegations of unlawful Cannabis product Transport
· Prove or dismiss allegations of damage to Cannabis products
· Prove or dismiss allegations of employee theft or diversion of Cannabis products
· Prove or dismiss liability adherence Cannabis Transport Government compliance
· Prove or dismiss allegations of driver misconduct
· Provide a management tool to review accidents or incidents
"Active" Cannabis Transport Camera System
The SD4FHD is the 3-Axis Accelerometer version of a conventional mobile video solution for a Cannabis Transport Vehicle Camera system. Similar in many ways to a "Passive" Cannabis Transport Vehicle Camera except for the camera type and Dangerous Driving Behavior features. Due to the additional oversight that may be required due to the State versus Federal nature of the products you are transporting and the laws regarding them, a sequential video log of the vehicle loading or product pickup, transport, and delivery or unloading process with Digital Expert Witness in case of questions or concerns regarding the transport.
Cannabis Transport Products may include:
Cannabis Flower
Cannabis THC / CBD Concentrates
Cannabis Vape Products
Cannabis Edibles
Cannabis Topicals
Cannabis Oral Products
Cannabis Transdermals
Cannabis Inhalers
The PD-AF or BTC-AF High Definition 1080P-AHD cameras (1-4) are separated from the mobile DVR and can be positioned where needed to provide a much better vehicle camera coverage. The 100% solid State mobile DVR is secured in a locking enclosure to protect the SD memory card from driver tampering and criminal assaults. This version provides high-resolution images and long record memory storage on 512 GB SDXC 100% solid-state cards for 30-400 hours of video recording storage, depending on the number of cameras and settings.
SD4FHD 1080P Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance Event Recorder

Driver Safety & Passenger Security Vehicle Camera
1080P Dangerous Driver Charting G-Sensor
SD4FHD Vehicle Camera System Features:
- 1080P High Definition Video on all channels
- 512 GB Twin SD Card Bays for 100% Solid State Memory Capacity
- 4-channel DVR accepts 4 Megapixel IR Night Vision cameras with built-in audio
- Mosaic "Blurring" software to help protect noninvolved passengers
- Built-in 3-axis Accelerometer, Crash trigger & G-Sensor Charting
- Remote DVR Status LED Indicator (option) permits the driver to know if the system is fully functional
- 1080P-AHD High Definition 1920 x 1080 TVL & H.264 compression
- “AHD” DVRs were designed to function with new Megapixel & older CCTV Analog cameras
- 10-Year Camera Warranty on every High Definition 720P & 1080P Camera
SD4FHD-1 ...1-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grower CBD Products Dispensaries Transport Security Camera Recorder System$650 - $750
SD4FHD-2 …2-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grower CBD Products Dispensaries Transport Security Camera Recorder $750 - $850
SD4FHD-3…3-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grower CBD Products Dispensaries Transport Security Camera DVR system$850 - $950
SD4FHD-4…4-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grower CBD Products Dispensaries Transport Security Camera DVR system$950 - $1,050
Reseller Pricing Available

All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 12mm 2 Megapixel License Plate Capture Camera from a distance of approximately 30 feet screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 2.8mm 2 Megapixel Driver Safety Camera screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 2 Megapixel Driver Safety Vehicle Video Surveillance Camera with GPS route tracing screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 12mm 2 Megapixel License Plate Capture Camera from a distance of approximately 30 feet screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 2.8mm 2 Megapixel Forward Road Camera screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image.
All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080.

Driver Safety & Passenger Security Vehicle Camera
1080P w/Automated Data Download via Wi-Fi
SD4FHW Vehicle Camera System Features:
- High Definition Low-Cost Onboard Vehicle Video Surveillance Solution
- GPS Vehicle Speed & On Screen Mapping included
- Wi-Fi Automated Videos File Download
- 512 GB Twin SD Card Bays for 100% Solid State Memory Capacity
- 4-channel School Bus Video DVR accepts four cameras with audio
- Mosaic "Blurring" software to help protect non-involved passengers
- Built-in 3-axis Accelerometer, Crash trigger & G-Sensor Charting
- Remote DVR Status LED Indicator (option)
- 1080P-AHD High Definition 1920 x 1080 TVL & H.264 compression
- “AHD” DVRs were designed to function with new Megapixel & older CCTV Analog cameras w/ standard connections
- 10-Year Camera Warranty on every High Definition 720P & 1080P Camera
- “Testudo Lifetime System Warranty Protection” (Option Available)
SD4FHW-1 ...1-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grow Operation THC / CBD Edibles Products Dispensaries Transport Security Surveillance Camera system $750 - $850
SD4FHW-2 …2-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grow Operation THC / CBD Edibles Products Dispensaries Transport Security Surveillance Camera system $850 - $950
SD4FHW-3 …3-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grow Operation THC / CBD Edibles Products Dispensaries Transport Security Surveillance Camera system $950 - $1,050
SD4FHW-4 …4-Camera Licensed Cannabis Grow Operation THC / CBD Edibles Products Dispensaries Transport Security Surveillance Camera system $1,050 - $1,150
Reseller Pricing Available

All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 12mm 2 Megapixel License Plate Capture Camera from a distance of approximately 30 feet screenshot.
The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080. Sample High Definition images.

High Definition 2.8mm 2 Megapixel Driver Safety Camera screenshot.
The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080.

High Definition 2 Megapixel Driver Safety Vehicle Video Surveillance Camera with GPS route tracing screenshot.
The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080.

High Definition 12mm 2 Megapixel License Plate Capture Camera from a distance of approximately 30 feet screenshot.
The above is a low-resolution image. All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080.

High Definition 2.8mm 2 Megapixel Forward Road Camera screenshot. The above is a low-resolution image.
All actual images are High Definition Full HD 1080p 1920x1080.