Casino Customer Shuttle Bus Video Surveillance Safety Cameras

Casino Shuttle Bus Surveillance
“SD4HW” Customer Bus Vandalism Surveillance Solution
Adding SD4HW Mobile Video Surveillance in Casino customer transport vehicles can help reduce operating costs due to vandalism, can help reduce driver accidents, can help ensure that those customers picked up and transported to the Casino feel secure, and safe and are not bothered by those who may have suffered losses.
Potential Casino Transportation Risk Overview
The risks associated with the transportation of Casino customers to and from the Casino are much greater than those of other transportation markets. The threats and potential losses to the Casino from vandalism and loss of customer satisfaction are much greater than in other industries.
Many accept the responsibility and potential losses involved in games of chance, only to become hostile, abusive, and vindictive to the Casino they may blame for their poor performance in the Casino.
Those who have studied Human Nature, and Deviant Behavior, can predict that a percentage of these “sore losers” will try to hurt the Casino in some childish and often unlawful manner, trying to damage the bus that is taking them back from the Casino.
The worst part about their bad behavior is that it can encourage other “good customers” to participate in this unlawful vandalism in a pack mentality, greatly increasing the risk of damage and loss to the Casino.
Even if they are not successful in encouraging others to damage the Casino vehicle, they may simply make others riding in the vehicle uncomfortable or fear for their safety with aggressive, potentially intoxicated individuals inciting violence. Providing a pleasant and safe Casino experience is important to get return customers coming back for more Casino fun.
Video surveillance on the Casino buses or shuttles that pick up and return Casino customers can help reduce the Casino operating costs, and reduce vandalism and passenger-related problems.
This is where the SD4HW can help save your Casino from unnecessary losses and reduce the risk involved with a return trip for those who may be looking for a way to inflict some losses to the Casino.
Adding mobile video to Casino shuttle vehicles can help document problems, can help reduce operating costs due to vandalism, can help reduce driver accidents, can ensure that those customers visiting the Casino feel secure, and safe and are not bothered by those who may have suffered losses.
Passenger-related issues and problems are documented for use by the Casino management for Tribal Hearings, Tribal Review, Tribal Court, or the Tribal Council authority to pass on to outside law enforcement authorities.
What can the "SD4HW” do for your Casino Transport Fleet?
- Vandalism causes damage to expensive and hard to replaces seat covers
- Vandalism or graffiti on windows and bus interiors increases the costs of maintaining vehicles
- Arguments or unruly behavior with drivers causing potential driving-related accidents
- Arguments or fights with other passengers lose those future customers' business
Passenger Risk Issues
Unmanaged Passenger Risk can also cause massive realized losses with unnecessary liability to passenger transportation Casinos. It is vital to document problems, identify their cause, review any intervention and the results in a worst-case scenario or successful passenger situation resolution to provide invaluable information and evidence that can be reviewed and possibly used to improve the awareness or ability of the driver in resolving similar problems in the future. Unwanted Casino Passenger Behaviors Documented:
* Fights Between Passengers in Casino vehicles
* Civil or Criminal Violations of Law on the Casino vehicle
* Drug Use, Sale, or Distribution on Casino vehicle
* Vehicle Vandalism, Cutting Seats, Graffiti on Casino vehicle
* Throwing Items Out Windows on Casino vehicle
* Sexual Acts With or Without Consent on Casino vehicle
* Assaults or Abuse Towards The Driver
* Encouraging others to abuse the Casino vehicle or vandalize it
* Making other Casino passengers feel cheated by the Casino, reducing their activities there
Driver Risk Issues
Unmanaged Driver Risk can cause massive realized losses with unnecessary liability in an otherwise healthy and thriving Casino. Far too often, we see news reports of undisciplined, unprofessional drivers causing accidents while sending text messages on their cell phones when they should be concentrating on driving their vehicles. This form of Driver Risk is a direct result of dangerous driver behavior and poor choices, both of which in many cases are 100% preventable if the driver learns to recognize the dangers and agrees not to do these distracting things while driving company vehicles.
Highlight Dangerous Driving Behaviors Before An Accident
- Documents what happens in front of the vehicle, can document head-on collisions or follow too closely.
- Documents Speeding, GPS On Screen Mapping shows you what road they are on, and speed limit signs.
- Documents Running Red Lights & Stop Signs, are they really stopping or just rolling on through
- Documents Failure to Stop At Railroad Crossings, verify if crossing arms were working in an accident
- Documents Dangerous Turns (high speeds that can cause loss of control and rollover of the vehicle)
- Documents Vehicle Impacts For Accident Claim Disputes (both front, rear or side impact)
- Documents Drinking, Eating, Sending Text Messages, Cell Phone Use (all can contribute to accidents)
- Documents Driver Assaults, Can Aid In Prosecution (cameras offer deterrence to crime)
- Documents In-Vehicle Driver Passenger Interaction (records A&V of arguments, threats, abuse)
Oversight To Ensure Company Policy & Risk Prevention
- Does the driver text on a phone when they are driving?
- Does the driver pick up hitchhikers?
- Does the driver have unauthorized passengers in the vehicle?
- Did the driver stay on route or wander all over the place?
- Did the driver make personal trips in the vehicle?
- Was the vehicle used on weekends for unauthorized trips?
- Where is the vehicle parked during the day and night?
Diligent and committed oversight by management is essential to enable this system to reach its full potential in enhancing driver safety and reduction in passenger risk-related problems for the Casino. Should management not exhibit following through on their oversight of this system, then it is unrealistic to expect the drivers to follow suit as should management not care about safety and reduction in passenger risk-related problems, then why should they.
Too often, large Casinos suffer great losses in damaged vehicles, additional labor, warranty claims, accidents, or efficiency due to unlawful acts of vandalism against the Casino's transport vehicles by those who may blame their losses on the Casino and not accept any responsibility for their actions.
Our goal is to provide a verifiable mechanism that can actively alert and encourage potential problem passengers to be more responsible, respectful of the laws, less problematic, more conscious of their video recorded behaviors, and not a risk to the Casino.
We hope that with the support and oversight of management, most passengers who exhibit dangerous or unlawful behaviors can be reminded with warning decals and by the drivers: “For your safety and security, this vehicle has a video surveillance system in use,” recording what occurs on the vehicle.
Casino Shuttle Bus Surveillance Solution
The SD4HD is the 3-Axis Accelerometer version of the conventional mobile video solution of a Casino Shuttle Bus customer pickup service bus surveillance camera system. Due to the additional passenger oversight that may be required to protect the vehicle from vandalism damage by drunk or angry customers, this system provides the ability to help ensure the transport is operated safely, with all suspected vandalism documented for later review.
The standard BTC-A High Definition 720P-AHD cameras (1-4) are separated from the mobile DVR and can be positioned where needed to provide a much better vehicle camera coverage. The 100% solid State SD memory card is secured in a locking enclosure. To help protect the SD memory card, steel locking enclosures are available from third-party sources but make sure you get one that offers ventilation. This version provides high-resolution images and long record memory storage on 512 GB SDXC 100% solid-state cards for 30-400 hours of video recording storage, depending on the number of cameras and settings.
SD4HD Basic HD On-Vehicle Casino Customer Pickup Surveillance Camera Pricing:
SD4FHD-1 ...1-Camera Casino Transit Shuttle Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Eye Witness Camera System $650 - $750
SD4FHD-2 …2-Camera Casino Transit Shuttle Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Eye Witness Camera System $750 - $850
SD4FHD-3 …3-Camera Casino Transit Authority In-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Eye Witness Camera System $850 - $950
SD4FHD-4 …4-Camera Casino Transit Authority In-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Eye Witness Camera System $950 - $1,050
SD4W GPS & Wi-Fi Casino Customer Pickup Shuttle Bus Mobile Video Pricing:
SD4FHW-1 ...1-Camera Casino Transit Shuttle On-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Recorder Camera System $750 - $850
SD4FHW-2 …2-Camera Casino Transit Shuttle On-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Recorder Camera System $850 - $950
SD4FHW-3 …3-Camera Casino Transit Authority In-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Observation Camera Syst. $950 - $1,050
SD4FHW-4 …4-Camera Casino Transit Authority In-Bus Passenger Video Observation Digital Video Observation Camera Syst. $1,050 - $1,150

The same 360 Degree Ceiling cameras we use in the school bus market can be used in this application, as well as they provide a bird's eye view of the damage being done to the seats by drunk or angry passengers.

Combined with a rear-facing BTC-A camera in the front of the vehicle, this can provide an effective means to document the vandalism or damage and may aid efforts in getting the perpetrator of the property crime to pay for the damages or help in prosecution if they refuse to pay.