Police Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner
Inmate in-Custody Transport Safety Camera Systems
When the accounts, testimony, and sworn statements of law enforcement officers are not sufficient evidence to explain situations, events, or actions by others leading up to a response by law enforcement officers that they deemed appropriate, the value of high-resolution video evidence can help others see what the officers were dealing with, what occurred and how it was dealt with in a professional non-biased digital expert witness that is incapable of any prejudice, bias or socio-economic agenda.
Digital expert witness video evidence provided by our Police Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Safety Camera Systems are double-edged tools, meaning they do not discriminate, they do not judge, and the recorded evidence can cut both ways in a prisoner in custody transport camera system application.
Violations of law, acts of violence, deceit, process, and procedure will be captured without regard to whom is perpetrating the act in a prisoner transport wagon. This means those who perform their duties; professionals, will have the support of a digital eye backing them up.
Most of the installation photos on our websites are performed by law enforcement officers, county police, sheriff deputies, and DUI or Drug Task Force officers. They often operate at a level of awareness and engagement that few of us can imagine and fewer of us could endure. They are not sufficiently compensated for the difficult and sometimes dangerous duties they are asked to perform on our behalf.
A few years back, I was sent a video of a drunk arrested for a DUI sitting in a police car
as the officer was filling out the paperwork. The arrestee told the officer if he did not let him go, he would punch
his face and claim the officer beat him up. The officer just smiled and kept on writing. The suspect proceeded to punch his face over and over. After much self-abuse, the officer pointed to the camera that was in the police car recording the entire event. Priceless!
While a normal person would not be likely to cause permanent damage to their face like the above idiot, Police Van or Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Safety Camera Systems are not purchased for recording typical normal people on a bad day where they may have been cited for using an aerosol in an unapproved manner.
Prisoners or suspects in police custody transported in police prisoner patrol wagons, aka police vans, are often those who have little to no regard for the laws, little respect for those who must enforce the laws, and on occasion include those among us who lack compassion who are truly asocial and or sociopathic.
While in police custody as prisoners in police patrol wagons, aka Paddy Wagons, arrest suspects and prisoners are in the charge and care of the arresting agency, so here is where the liability risk can be highest. Arrestees or perpetrators in custody can often claim abuse or bodily injury or make statements and accusations that may need to be addressed. The system helps ensure that arrestees or perpetrators in custody are transported in safety as well as the safety of the officers who are in charge of their care while perpetrators in custody are in an arrestee's wagon.
Digital video evidence provided by Police Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Safety Camera Systems provides a sequential, non-biased, impartial expert witness account of the in-vehicle treatment and condition of the arrested suspect, prisoner, or inmate transportation from location to location. This information can be downloaded to a PC, archived, and stored in case future claims are made, charges filed, or other questions regarding the transport process need to be reviewed.
Use of digital mobile video recording systems for police patrol wagon arrest suspect, prisoner & inmate in-custody safety, can be a reasonable response to the high-risk arrest suspect, prisoner police transportation process now facing many law enforcement agencies.
When there are tough questions, and high-risk liability, Police Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Safety Camera Systems can provide digital backup in the form of the expert witness of actions and events without bias, prejudice, or political agenda.
SD4HD High Definition Police Custody Transport Security Camera
The SD4HD system is the High Definition (720P-AHD) version of the Standard Resolution vehicle camera system for routine suspects in custody, inmate, prisoner, or High-Risk Inmate Transport (HRIT).
This mobile video solution offers the benefits of high-definition digital expert witness video from up to 4 Megapixel cameras, whether in a Secured Inmate Transport, inmate transfer service, or community services prisoner transport bus. U.S. Prisoner Transport vehicles, as well as Department of Corrections Transportation services, can now benefit from low-cost high definition digital eye witness video surveillance systems incorporating 720P-AHD high definition video evidence documentation to provide a much higher level of sequential digital expert witness documentation of Secured Inmate Transport from facility to facility or court.

SD4HD Police Patrol Wagon Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Transport Safety Camera Systems:
SD4FHD-1...1-Camera In-Vehicle Police Suspect or Prisoner in Custody Transport Arrestees Wagon Camera $650 - $750
SD4FHD-2…2-Camera In-Vehicle Police Suspect or Prisoner in Custody Transport Arrestees Wagon Camera $750 - $850
SD4FHD-3…3-Camera Police Suspect Detainee Extradition Transport Wagon or Bus Safety Surveillance Camera $850 - $950
SD4FHD-4…4-Camera Police Suspect Detainee Extradition Transport Wagon or Bus Safety Surveillance Camera $950 - $1,050
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
Steel Wire Cage Protection for Dome Camera in Prisoner / Suspect in Custody Transport Van aka Police Paddy Wagon $50
LCD-HD7 7” Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $150
LCD-HD9 9”Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $200
SD4HW High Definition Police Custody Transport Surveillance
GPS Speed, On-Screen Mapping & Wi-Fi Wireless
The SD4HW system is the GPS & Wi-Fi High Definition (720P-AHD) version of the Standard Resolution vehicle camera system for routine suspects in custody, inmate, prisoner, or High-Risk Inmate Transport (HRIT).
This mobile video solution offers the benefits of high-definition digital expert witness video from up to 4 Megapixel cameras, whether in a Secured Inmate Transport, inmate transfer service, or community services prisoner transport bus. U.S. Prisoner Transport vehicles, as well as Department of Corrections Transportation services, can now benefit from low-cost high definition digital eye witness video surveillance systems incorporating 720P-AHD high definition video evidence documentation to provide a much higher level of sequential digital expert witness documentation of Secured Inmate Transport from facility to facility or court.

HD Police Patrol Wagon Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Transport Safety Camera Systems w/GPS & Wi-Fi:
Solid State SD4HW Bus Video DVR with power & A/V/P Cable adapter, I/O Triggers Display & Alarm, locking SD bay, built-in 3-Axis Accelerometer (G-Sensor), GPS Module, Wi-Fi module, Wi-Fi antenna, SD memory card not included. Pricing is dependent on quantity & terms; request a quote for more information. Steel Camera Cages & LCD 7” Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display pictured above are Optional.
SD4HW GPS & Wi-Fi Police Patrol Wagon Prisoner & Inmate in-Custody Transport Safety Camera Systems:
SD4FHW-1 ...1-Camera Police Patrol Wagon Suspect / Prisoner in Custody Safety Transport Surveillance Camera $750 - $850
SD4FHW-2…2-Camera In-Vehicle Police Suspect or Prisoner in Custody Transport Arrestees Wagon Camera $850 - $950
SD4FHW-3…3-Camera Police Patrol Wagon Suspect / Prisoner in Custody Safety Perpetrator Jail Wagon Camera $950 - $1,050
SD4FHW-4…4-Camera Police Suspect Detainee Extradition Transport Wagon or Bus Safety Surveillance Camera $1,050 - $1,150
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
Steel Wire Cage Protection for Dome Camera in Prisoner / Suspect in Custody Transport Van aka Police Paddy Wagon $50
LCD-HD7 7” Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $150
LCD-HD9 9”Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $200
Full HD Police Custody Prisoner Safety Cameras
Prisoner Inmate Transportation Safety Surveillance
Prisoner Transportation Prison Bus Surveillance
Onboard High Valued Inmate Transport (HVIT) vehicle camera systems provide verifiable event records if needed, as well as a valuable training tool in the case of an incident or event on high-risk offenders' vehicles that can later be employed as a training aid. Incidents involving prisoner police paddy wagon transport and claims of mistreatment of those in custody can be verified or disputed through the integration of a high definition video record to provide a digital expert witness when opinions vary, and claims of abuse are incoming like steel rain on an enemy position. High-Risk Inmate Transport vehicle camera systems can provide the same level of video expert witness protection for routine prisoner transport vehicle applications where the liability threats may be just as relevant. Like Police Body-Worn Cameras, it is prudent to get ahead of the curve on this tsunami public relations nightmare of prisoner transport by installing “prisoner safety cameras” in all vehicles used for transporting those in custody, from common prisoner transport vans to High Valued Inmate Transport (HVIT) vehicles.
Prisoner, Inmate, Suspect Safety Camera Applications:
- Prisoner or Suspect Perpetrator Jail Transport Department of Corrections Bus
- Prisoner or Suspect Perpetrator transport police bus
- Police Paddy Wagon Arrestees Custody Transport Vans
- High Valued Inmate Transport (HVIT) vehicle
- High-Risk Transport Operations (HRTO) vehicle
- High-Risk Inmate or Suspect Transport (HRIST) vehicle

Commercial Transportation Quality
Full HD 1080P from all 4 Channels
2 Megapixel High Definition cameras
High Definition 1920x1080 image resolution
Built-in 3-axis Accelerometer, G-Sensor Charting & Dangerous Driving Alarm
SD4FHD HD Prisoner Inmate Transportation Surveillance Camera Systems
The SD4FHD is a Full HD 1080p High Definition mobile video solution supporting up to 4 high definition cameras at 1920x1080 resolution, for image resolution four times higher than conventional industry-standard (D1) DVRs. Full HD 1080p is not required for all prisoner transport vans security camera surveillance applications; the lower-cost systems satisfy most prisoner transport bus security camera applications at a much lower cost. Where the SD4FHD is particularly well suited are those applications calling for much higher resolution than the industry standard D1 4-channel DVRs can support; Forward Facing cameras, Car License Plate Capture cameras. High Valued Inmate Transport (HVIT) vehicle cameras require much higher resolution to provide usable video evidence of a Criminal offense incident. Remote Driver DVR Status Indicator and massive 512GB 100% Solid State memory storage capacity supplement the system for a good platform for High-Risk Transport Operations (HRTO) vehicle surveillance.
SD4HFHD 1080P High Risk Transport Operations (HRTO) Camera System Pricing:
SD4FHDT-1...1-Camera High Risk Inmate or Prisoner Extradition Transport Onboard Vehicle Surveillance Camera $850 - $950
SD4FHDT-2…2-Camera High Risk Inmate or Prisoner Extradition Transport Onboard Vehicle Surveillance Camera $950 - $1,050
SD4FHDT-3…3-Camera High Risk Prisoner Extradition Transport In-Vehicle Surveillance Evidence Camera $1,050 - $1,150
SD4FHDT-4…4-Camera High Risk Prisoner Extradition Transport In-Vehicle Surveillance Evidence Camera $1,150 - $1,250
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
Steel Wire Cage Protection for Dome Camera in Prisoner / Suspect in Custody Transport Van aka Police Paddy Wagon $50
LCD-HD7 7” Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $150
LCD-HD9 9”Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $200

Full HD 1080P from all 4 Channels
2 Megapixel High Definition cameras
High Definition 1920x1080 image resolution
Built-In Wi-Fi Wireless for Automated Data Download
GPS Vehicle Speed & Free On Screen Mapping w/o service fees
Built-in 3-axis Accelerometer, G-Sensor Charting & Dangerous Driving Alarm
SD4FHW HD Prisoner Inmate Transportation Surveillance Camera Systems
The SD4FHW is the Wi-Fi Automated Data Download version of the Full HD 1080p High Definition mobile video solution supporting up to 4 high definition cameras at 1920x1080 resolution, for image resolution four times higher than conventional industry-standard (D1) DVRs. Where the SD4FHW is particularly well suited are those applications calling for Automated Data Download via Wi-Fi. Full HD 1080p is not required for all prisoner transport vans security camera surveillance applications; the lower-cost systems satisfy most prisoner transport bus security camera applications at a much lower cost. Where the SD4FHW is particularly well suited are those applications calling for much higher resolution than the industry standard D1 4-channel DVRs can support; Forward Facing cameras, Car License Plate Capture cameras. High Valued Inmate Transport (HVIT) vehicle cameras require much higher resolution to provide usable video evidence of a Criminal offense or juvenile assault incident. Built-in GPS module, Remote Driver DVR Status Indicator, and massive 512GB 100% Solid State SD memory storage capacity supplement the system for a good platform for High-Risk Transport Operations (HRTO) vehicle surveillance.
SD4HFHW GPS & Wi-Fi High Risk Transport Operations (HRTO) Camera System Pricing:
SD4FHWT-1...1-Camera High Risk Inmate or Prisoner Extradition Transport Onboard Vehicle Surveillance Camera $950 - $1,050
SD4FHWT-2…2-Camera High Risk Inmate or Prisoner Extradition Transport Onboard Vehicle Surveillance Camera $1,050 - $1,150
SD4FHWT-3…3-Camera High Risk Prisoner Extradition Transport In-Vehicle Surveillance Evidence Camera $1,150 - $1,250
SD4FHWT-4…4-Camera High Risk Prisoner Extradition Transport In-Vehicle Surveillance Evidence Camera $1,250 - $1,350
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
Steel Wire Cage Protection for Dome Camera in Prisoner / Suspect in Custody Transport Van aka Police Paddy Wagon $50
LCD-HD7 7” Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $150
LCD-HD9 9”Prisoner Compartment Monitor Display For Officer Live View Monitoring of Prisoner Compartment Activity $200

SCamCage is offered at the request of those in Law Enforcement prisoner transportation who were seeking a way to add additional protection to Prisoner Transport Wagons and Police Van Surveillance Security Cameras used for suspect in custody transportation.
SCamCage Key Features:
- Steel Heavy Gauge Wire Protection
- Welded Joints, Crossovers & Brackets
- Rated 2000 degrees F @ 15+ minutes
- Steel Vandal Resistant Camera Protection
- Professional Protection for Cameras
- Black Low Reflection Low Glare Paint
- Prisoner Transport & Security Protection
- Field Upgradable Dome Camera Option

Steel Wire Cage Protection for Dome Camera in Prisoner / Suspect in Custody Transport Van aka Police Paddy Wagon $50