Waste Management In-Truck Onboard Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance
Waste Management Surveillance Solutions
Collection Services Surveillance Systems
Collection Services Surveillance Systems
Residential Curbside Waste Collection & Recycling Service Camera System
Live View Commercial / Industrial Roll-Off Container & Dumpster Collection Camera System
Waste management trash dumpster collection vehicles operate in an unusual environment as they come in close contact with the customers they service at the place of residents, as in the case of Residential Curbside Trash Collection services, as well as to the place of business in cases of Industrial Roll-off Container Trash Collection and Trash or Recycling Dumpster collection vehicles. Because of this proximity and the nature of their activities from a large footprint vehicle, the Waste Management Collection or Dumpster Trash Collection service companies are easy to target from their customers who may suspect the drivers of some impropriety.
Roll Off Container Collection services and Recycling Container collections service companies often suffer frequent customer complaints from customers that their companies did not service or empty/replace the roll-off container or recycling dumpsters. Waste Collection vehicle surveillance cameras, aka cameras for my trash collection trucks, can help document the actual pickup of dumpsters to empty them or, in the case of Roll-Off containers, their swap out and replacement with empty containers that often go unnoticed by said customers. Just because they did not hear or see the event does not mean it did not happen, and in their mind, they may believe because they were not aware of it that, it did not happen.
Commercial Trash Collection truck services, as well as Industrial Roll-off Container collection services, suffer the additional annoyance that non-customers often dump refuse into the commercial rental container without the knowledge of the commercial Roll-off Waste Collection Container or Dumpster customer. Some non-authorized individuals and other companies often know the schedule of the Waste Collection or Recycling collection service so well they time their trip just after the Roll-off container has been replaced with an empty one and then proceed to fill it with nonauthorized materials requiring, in some cases the customer call and pay for a second pickup angering them against the collection company for something that is out of the control of the collections serviced.
There are two main categories of Waste Collection and Recycling service applications relating to in-vehicle on-board mobile video surveillance solutions; Residential & Commercial/Industrial.
Residential Applications
- Residential Waste Management Onboard Trash Collection Services
- Residential Curbside Trash Collection Services Video Surveillance Camera system
- Curbside Garbage Collection Services Video Surveillance Camera system
- Recycling Collection Services Video Surveillance Camera system
- Residential Trash Removal Services Video Surveillance Camera system
- Residential Waste Management Services Video Surveillance Camera system
Commercial Applications
- Commercial / Industrial Roll-Off Container & Dumpster Collection Services
- Commercial Dumpster Rentals Service Vehicles Onboard Observation Camera System
- Commercial Dumpster Roll Off & Collection Vehicle Onboard Observation Camera System
- Industrial Hazardous Waste Collection Services Vehicle Security Camera System
- Industrial Trash Collection In-Vehicle Onboard Security Camera System
- Recycling Containers Service Vehicle Security Camera System
- Industrial Roll-off Containers Collection Vehicle Security Camera System
Residential Waste & Recycling Collections Camera System
Surveillance for Residential Waste Management
It is Human nature to be territorial, and when providing a residential waste collection or recycling collection service in or near someone's home, they tend to be more territorial, aggressive, and motivated when they perceive a wrong may have been done should their property be violated.
For example, if a customer hears their scheduled residential trash collection or recycling collection vehicle performing their collection services in the early morning, then later in the day walks out to the road and finds their vehicle has been struck by another vehicle or their mailbox has been damaged many might assume the waste management recycling collection vehicle driver was responsible. It is difficult enough to navigate the obstacle course of residential neighborhoods in an oversized vehicle without the added burden of baseless accusations of private property damage.
How do you prove you did not do something or defend a driver and your company from false accusations of an eyewitness to an event that never happened? In front of a jury, it might seem like a large business against a single individual; liability cases often hinge on the perception of uneducated weak-willed persons who can be manipulated by a skillful attorney looking for a fat settlement at the business's expense.
Waste management and recycling collection vehicle surveillance video camera systems are an effective tool to limit risk, dispute baseless accusations, and prove a driver as well as his company innocent of blame and liability in claims that are unsubstantiated and often easily proved false with the use of a mobile video solution for a Residential Waste Management Trash Collection Service vehicle.
The SD4FHD is the 3-Axis Accelerometer low-cost conventional mobile video solution for a Waste Removal Vehicle Camera system. The mobile video solution provides Dangerous Driving Behavior features that can chart and actively warn a driver of violations in safe driving behaviors when preset to do so.
The PD-AF high-resolution cameras (1-4) are separated from the mobile DVR and can be positioned where needed to provide a much better vehicle camera coverage. The 100% solid State mobile DVR is secured in a locking enclosure to protect the SD memory card from driver tampering and criminal assaults. The optional locking steel box protects the DVR and all connections from driver access or criminal assault. This version provides high-resolution images and long record memory storage on up to 512GB SDXC 100% solid-state cards for 30-400 hours of video recording storage, depending on the number of cameras and settings.

SD4FHD Waste & Recycling Collection for Residential In-Vehicle Surveillance Pricing:
SD4FHD-1 ...1-Camera Residential Waste Management Trash Collection Truck Recycling Containers Service Camera $650 - $750
SD4FHD-2 …2-Camera Residential Waste Management Trash Collection Truck Recycling Containers Service Camera $750 - $850
SD4FHD-3…3-Camera Curbside Garbage Collection Services, Commercial Dumpster Rentals Vehicle DVR Security Camera $850 - $950
SD4FHD-4…4-Camera Curbside Garbage Collection Services, Commercial Dumpster Rentals Vehicle DVR Security Camera $950 - $1,050
Reseller Pricing Available

SD4FHW Waste Collection Mobile Surveillance Systems w/GPS & Wi-Fi Pricing:
SD4FHW-1 ...1-Camera In-Vehicle Residential Waste Management Trash Collection Truck Digital Witness Camera $750 - $850
SD4FHW-2 …2-Camera Residential Curbside Trash Collection Service Truck Safety Video Camera Surveillance $850 - $950
SD4FHW-3 …3-Camera Curbside Garbage Collection Services In-Vehicle DVR Event Recorder Security Camera $950 - $1,050
SD4FHW-4 …4-Camera Residential Waste Management Services in-Truck Driver Digital Video Witness camera $1,050 - $1,150
Reseller Pricing Available
Live View Commercial Roll-Off Container & Dumpster Collection
Mobile Video Surveillance Solution for Commercial Waste Management
Commercial & Industrial Roll-Off Container Collection services and Recycling Container collections service companies often suffer frequent customer complaints from customers claiming their companies did not service or empty/replace the roll-off container or recycling dumpsters. Waste Collection vehicle surveillance cameras, aka cameras for my trash collection trucks, can help document with time and date stamp, actual pickup of dumpsters to empty them, or in the case of Roll-Off Container their swap out and replacement with empty containers that often go unnoticed by said customers.
Commercial Trash Collection services, as well as Industrial Roll-off Container collection services, suffer the additional annoyance that non-customers often dump refuse into the commercial rental container without the knowledge of the commercial Roll-off Waste Collection Container or Dumpster customer. Some non-authorized individuals and other companies often know the schedule of the Waste Collection or Recycling collection service so well they time their trip just after the Roll-off container has been replaced with an empty one and then proceed to fill it with nonauthorized materials requiring, in some cases, the customer call and pay for a second pickup angering them against the collection company for something that is out of the control of the collections serviced.
Live View Live GPS Tracking mobile video solutions are better suited for Commercial, and Industrial Waste collection applications as those are the applications where a single large customer can make a substantial difference in the success of a collection or recycling company.
Live View versions are more likely to be used in the below applications:
- Commercial / Industrial Roll-Off Container & Dumpster Collection Services
- Commercial Dumpster Rentals Service Vehicles Onboard Observation Camera System
- Commercial Dumpster Roll Off & Collection Vehicle Onboard Observation Camera System
- Industrial Hazardous Waste Collection Services Vehicle Security Camera System
- Industrial Trash Collection On-Vehicle Security Camera System
- Recycling Containers Service In-Vehicle Security Camera System
- Industrial Roll-off Containers Collection Vehicle Security Camera System
When a driver in the field encounters something unusual with a service or when responding to an incident, they may overlook an important element in the scenario that can often lead to potential problems later on. Having an extra set of eyes on the situation as seen through your vehicle video camera can often provide an additional level of safety for the driver in the field.
With the superior control provided by this system, the CMS Operator or supervisor can be aware in cases of a stolen vehicle. The SD4FHC provides an added level of management oversight in real-time with active alerts and live video oversight to PC or Smartphones.
Active 4G/5G Cellular solutions include; Live View Waste Collection Camera systems, Real-Time Recycling Container Roll-off Vehicle Surveillance systems, or Live View hazardous waste vehicle camera systems for the private transportation markets.

SD4FHC-1...1-Camera Commercial Roll-Off Container Dumpster Collection Services Video In-Truck Camera $1,100 - $1,200
SD4FHC-2…2-Camera Commercial Dumpster Roll Off Collection Vehicle Observation Video Van Surveillance $1,200 - $1,300
SD4FHC-3…3-Camera Industrial Hazardous Waste Collection & Recycling Containers Service In-Truck Camera $1,300 - $1,400
SD4FHC-4 …4-Camera Industrial Recycling Containers Service Roll-Off Container Dumpster Collection Camera $1,400 - $1,500
Reseller Pricing Available