• Vehicle Video Cameras

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In-Vehicle Video Surveillance Camera Recorders for Federally Funded Program Oversight

In the early days of vehicle video surveillance camera systems, most of the applications were on Armored Cars and School Bus Video Camera Surveillance applications as that is where the highest risk was perceived.
Over time the recognition of the management tool provided by having video sequential expert digital witness evidence in the form of video files has caused their widespread adoption in a wide range of vehicle transportation industries.

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Why The Need For In-Vehicle Video Camera Recorders

Many Fleet Managers of private passenger fleets, as well as Fleet Directors of larger public vehicle fleets, share the same management need to be able to provide oversight and risk management and ensure compliance and safety standards or protocols are met in the transport of passengers in their fleet vehicles.
What separates those fleet managers of vision and wisdom when things go wrong can often be the mechanisms they instituted in the process early on to provide a clear record of events and incidents in case things go wrong, so that management can provide a thoughtful review and, in some cases, a valid liability defense depending on what happened.

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Analog High Definition (AHD) DVRs For 
Vehicle Safety Camera Surveillance Solutions

Many bells and whistles are available in the mobile vehicle camera surveillance and driver safety solutions offered in the vehicle surveillance markets. None of those features or attributes affects the functionality or ability to incorporate alternate technologies as much as the mobile DVR platform itself.

With a wide selection of possible DVR technologies to choose from when selecting a DVR platform to build your system solutions, only 1 offers the flexibility to adapt and incorporate different technologies in a way that permits you to truly embrace the concept of sustainability and recycle older Analog cameras side by side with the new HD Megapixel cameras, to help conserve resources and limit the pollution caused by forced obsolescence of fully functional cameras and system components and that is the Analog High Definition (AHD) Mobile DVR.

Why You Should Consider an Analog High-Definition DVR Platform?

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