• Vehicle Video Cameras

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Non-emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) Vehicle Safety Cameras

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) provides transportation to individuals who are not in an emergency situation but need more medical assistance and specialized equipment than other transportation options can provide. NEMT services are a necessity for those who cannot get to medical facilities on their own.
Non-emergency medical transportation camera systems aka NEMT Vehicle Camera Recorders provide sequential video documentation proof of transit service for people who need assistance getting to and from medical appointments. 

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Paratransit ShuttleTransport Safety Camera Systems

The Paratransit Service vehicle camera surveillance system market encompasses a wide range of transportation services for those of us who may be frail, elderly, in recuperation, under Medicare or Medicaid treatment that dictates they require transportation, whether they can or cannot afford it, cannot provide for themselves or need assistance in obtaining.

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