Nationwide sentiment and state regulation regarding Cannabis laws have created an unusual, fleet video camera application.
State after state is now changing its laws and regulations regarding possession, sale, and distribution of what is still a federally controlled and restricted product.
Cannabis / Marijuana CBD/THC products are now at the state level being recognized as a lawful product with states legislation of the substances that were once restricted.
This creates several issues regarding banking as banks are regulated at the federal level so banks cannot loan money or be part of financing Cannabis / Marijuana business enterprises due to the standing federal restrictions.
In addition transportation of the Cannabis / Marijuana product and the massive amounts of cash paid for them that cannot be channeled through federally regulated banks must be transported and due to the high demand for Cannabis / Marijuana and the cash given for these products, the dealers and distributors of the Cannabis / Marijuana product and the stores selling them dealing with massive cash transactions must have the means to transport their product and cash with a higher level of security and oversight.