• Vehicle Video Cameras

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Rural Area ParaTransit Vehicle Camera Recorders

As cities get larger and urban areas around them sprawl, those in urban areas often require a form of transportation, either county-provided public rural transit or private rural transit, for a cost. Rural Area Transit Vehicle Cameras Offering Risk Management
For those rural areas, paratransit vehicle camera recorders can be found in the same technology commonly used in paratransit driver safety video camera surveillance systems that have been in use for more than a decade.

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Vehicle Video Camera Customer Loyalty DVR Technology Upgrade

Fleet vehicle risk management is, in part, about the management of potential risks, but it should also include the management of expected future costs of those products that help you manage those risks.

American Bus Video Inc. has developed a program that can greatly reduce future purchases or products for its vehicle video camera recorder driver safety systems. 
This program is named appropriately Customer Loyalty DVR Technology Upgrade, aka CLDTU.

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Fleet Management Risk Deterrence Through Vehicle Surveillance Safety Camera Recorders

Vehicle Camera Recorders can enhance Fleet Management Risk Prevention. 
Some fleet vehicle applications exposed the cost to more risk-related concerns than others. One of the best fleet vehicle management tools is the Vehicle Video Camera Recorder system, which can document the activities that occur on a vehicle and store those video files for future use to confirm or disprove claims that may be made regarding the quality, incident, and events of that transport activity.
Deterring inappropriate behavior by drivers and passengers of company fleet vehicles can often provide substantial cost savings to the company and reduce the risk of bad behavior when people are aware that they can be held accountable for their actions during the transaction.

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Vehicle Video Cameras File Sharing Precautions

“Lady justice is a double-edged sword,” meaning those who want justice to manage false claims and dispute outrageous accusations against your company, your drivers or other passengers in the passenger transportation markets often find the best Fleet Vehicle Risk Management Device is a vehicle camera surveillance system that can capture in an unbiased recording the actual events of what may have transpired on a passenger transport or industrial vehicle materials handling operation for later review of to defend your driver of the company in a court litigation lawsuit. 

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Who Should Install Your Vehicle Video Cameras Systems?

Why does it seem that every provider of Vehicle Video Camera Recording systems wants to include on-site installation in the cost of the systems they quote?
The obvious answer is they want more profits from the sale of their systems.
In all cases, the best-qualified installers on any provided vehicle are the people entrusted to service and maintain those vehicles, as in the process of installing new equipment, they are the least likely to cause damage to the vehicle they are charged with maintaining.

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Vehicle Video Cameras Can Be Backward Compatibility

Every company that invests in Vehicle Camera Recording systems will eventually face the technology conundrum of replacing all older, outdated equipment or just the DVR. In most cases, manufacturers change DVR connectors, so older tech equipment cannot be used with new technology DVRs.

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Vehicle Video Cameras with GPS Can Verify Passenger Pickups and Drop-offs

What added value does incorporating a passive GPS (No use fees) into a vehicle video camera recorder application have?
Of the many options and add-ons offered in the Vehicle Video Camera Recorder markets, why is the passive GPS one of the best-selling optional features of the onboard vehicle surveillance driver safety camera solutions?

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Common Q&A of Terminal Tractor Yard Trailer Shifter Shunt Truck Camera Recording Systems Part 3

This is part 3 of a 3-part series of common questions raised by those considering adding Terminal Tractor Yard Trailer Shifter 5th Wheel Kingpin Spotter Cameras to their warehouse terminal yard jockey trailer shifter shunt trucks. In this post, topics will be covered will, including the Chain of Custody issues, Choice of Audio, and Choice of Multiple Cameras.

These cameras can help as a management oversight tool, recording and reviewing the activities of these 5th wheel trailer swapping operations when needed.

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Common Q&A of Terminal Tractor Yard Trailer Shifter Shunt Truck Camera Recording Systems Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3-part series of common questions raised by those considering adding Terminal Tractor Yard Trailer Shifter 5th Wheel Kingpin Spotter Cameras to their warehouse terminal yard jockey trailer shifter shunt trucks. This particular application focuses on the safety, liability, and damages that may occur from improper yard trailer swapping operations.
These cameras can help as a management oversight tool, recording and reviewing the activities of these 5th wheel trailer swapping operations when needed.

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Common Q&A of Industrial Lift Truck & Forklift Video Cameras Part 10

This is part 10 of common questions raised by those considering adding Industrial Material Handling Vehicle Operator Safety and Surveillance Cameras to their forklifts, skid loaders, high reach order pickers, manup order pickers to help as a management oversight tool that can record for review the activities of these operations when needed.

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Common Q&A of 5th Wheel King Pin Yard Trailer Swapper Truck Camera Recording Safety Systems

Large trailer storage and warehouse facilities often have hundreds of more trailers on their yards that must be moved, emptied, stored, and filled from warehouses or other trailers to facilitate transfer to other locations in the state and out of state. To perform these functions, tractors designated as Yard Mules often spend the entire day swapping trailers and moving them from place to place to facilitate their loading, unloading, and storage on the sites.
Fleet Risk Management is greatly enhanced when you have an expert witness in the form of a 5th Wheel King Pin Lock Driver Surveillance Safety Camera Digital Recording system installed in the tractors or Yard Mules that move these trailers from place to place.

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Common Q&A of Industrial Lift Truck & Forklift Video Camera Surveillance Systems Part 1

Industrial lift trucks and other powered material handling devices are a high-risk tool that requires proper operation and oversight to ensure safe and efficient operation.
In-vehicle mobile video surveillance cameras have long been employed in and on these vehicles to provide documentation of events and the operation of these high-risk industrial lifts for the double purpose of ensuring they are operated in a safe manner and when problems occur that they can be reviewed by management to see what caused the problem for possible future training or prevention.

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In-Vehicle Video Surveillance Camera Recorders for Federally Funded Program Oversight

In the early days of vehicle video surveillance camera systems, most of the applications were on Armored Cars and School Bus Video Camera Surveillance applications as that is where the highest risk was perceived.
Over time the recognition of the management tool provided by having video sequential expert digital witness evidence in the form of video files has caused their widespread adoption in a wide range of vehicle transportation industries.

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Why The Need For In-Vehicle Video Camera Recorders

Many Fleet Managers of private passenger fleets, as well as Fleet Directors of larger public vehicle fleets, share the same management need to be able to provide oversight and risk management and ensure compliance and safety standards or protocols are met in the transport of passengers in their fleet vehicles.
What separates those fleet managers of vision and wisdom when things go wrong can often be the mechanisms they instituted in the process early on to provide a clear record of events and incidents in case things go wrong, so that management can provide a thoughtful review and, in some cases, a valid liability defense depending on what happened.

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Medicaid Patient Shuttle Vehicle Transport Safety Camera

The federal government offers to fund many federally mandated or supported programs operated at the state level by the state or by private service providers. Those who accept these federal funds must follow the guidelines set for the funding to be granted.

In addition to following those federal guidelines, it is often helpful to have the ability to prove you are following those guidelines, and sequential video documentation of the transportation process can be extremely helpful when claims are made that your transport violated those federal mandates and guidelines.

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Why Waterproof DVRs for Onboard Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance Recording system?

Some applications in the Fleet Vehicle Mobile Video Camera market are more challenging than others. Different parameters of operation often require different levels of equipment design and protection. What follows is information for those operational environments that are detrimental to the proper operation of a Fleet Vehicle Video Camera System and a brief discussion of why many of these varied applications can benefit from a fully environmentally sealed DVR, Camera, and Monitor-based mobile video camera observation system.

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Vehicle Video Surveillance Cameras Digital Expert Witness Evidence Can Change Driver & Passenger Behaviors

Behaviors tend to change when verifiable indisputable Digital Expert Witness Evidence in the form of high definition Vehicle Video Surveillance Cameras are available that makes them accountable for their bad behaviors. False claims can be disproven and true claims can be verified when you have an unbiased, non-prejudicial, Digital Eye Witness Expert Witness in the form of video evidence that is date and time stamped.

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Cannabis Transport Vehicle Security Camera DVR

As those incompetent, alcoholic, misrepresenting, lifelong government-subsidized relics in congress take baby steps to enact the removal of Cannabis from federal drug regulations, the sale and marketability of cannabis products will accelerate rapidly, as this market has an unbelievable demand that only a few states have enacted legislation to accommodate a means to supply those customer demands to purchase these products.
Transporting a highly regulated product that is federally regulated under the guidelines of state government guidelines can be a complex and problematic endeavor at best.
Cannabis Transport Vehicle Security Camera Recording systems can add a level of security in their sequential digital, verifiable, expert witness video evidence when needed.

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Common Q & A of Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance Systems Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3-part Common Q & A that addresses potential customers’ concerns about the Hardware and Accessories of a Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance System, prior to their purchase.
Knowledge is power and the best way to ensure customers get the best value for their investment is to provide them with the information and knowledge to make good decisions.
Asking questions is how you learn, not watching some slick marketing emotional hook video provided by the company trying to separate your company funds for a fat profit margin on their accounts.

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Common Q & A of Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance Systems Part 1

Fleet owners and fleet management professionals share common concerns regarding the daily and annual performance of their fleet vehicle drivers.
Because they share the same concerns, both are seeking a means to monitor, verify or dispute actual or reported events that others may report to them regarding their fleet vehicle drivers.
The ability of the vehicle fleet owners and management to perform proper oversight and management duties on their Fleet vehicle drivers may be the difference between effective vehicle fleet management and unnecessary risk that can lead to irrep[rtable damage to the company due to accidents, property damages or loss of life in future mishaps that could have been avoided.

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Dangerous Driving Fleet Safety Camera

Ask yourself; do you really know what your fleet vehicle drivers are doing while they operate your company vehicles on the roads?

The reality is with no management oversight and no monitoring equipment in place, the first time you may realize your fleet of vehicle drivers are dangerous is when you are notified they had a crash. By the time most fleet managers realize they have a problem, it is too late to prevent the accident or incident that called their attention to the problem. By then, the damage may already be done, and the personal injury, property damage, or litigation lawsuit may already be a fait accompli.

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Cannabis Transport Vehicle Video Camera Recorder

Nationwide sentiment and state regulation regarding Cannabis laws have created an unusual, fleet video camera application.
State after state is now changing its laws and regulations regarding possession, sale, and distribution of what is still a federally controlled and restricted product.

Cannabis / Marijuana CBD/THC products are now at the state level being recognized as a lawful product with states legislation of the substances that were once restricted.

This creates several issues regarding banking as banks are regulated at the federal level so banks cannot loan money or be part of financing Cannabis / Marijuana business enterprises due to the standing federal restrictions.
In addition transportation of the Cannabis / Marijuana product and the massive amounts of cash paid for them that cannot be channeled through federally regulated banks must be transported and due to the high demand for Cannabis / Marijuana and the cash given for these products, the dealers and distributors of the Cannabis / Marijuana product and the stores selling them dealing with massive cash transactions must have the means to transport their product and cash with a higher level of security and oversight.

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Non-emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) Vehicle Safety Cameras

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) provides transportation to individuals who are not in an emergency situation but need more medical assistance and specialized equipment than other transportation options can provide. NEMT services are a necessity for those who cannot get to medical facilities on their own.
Non-emergency medical transportation camera systems aka NEMT Vehicle Camera Recorders provide sequential video documentation proof of transit service for people who need assistance getting to and from medical appointments. 

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Top Reasons Industrial Grade Vehicle Video Camera Recorders Are The Best Value

The “Top Reason” for investing in Industrial Grade Vehicle Video Camera Recorders for your company vehicle is, of course, to help ensure the safe operation of your company Industrial Lift equipment by those operators employing them and help reduce the dangers inherent in the use of heavy material moving equipment, saving lives, reducing personal injuries and keeping the workplace a safer place.

While protecting employees' lives and reducing bodily harm to them in the execution of their work-related duties is paramount to the company decided to invest in Fork Lift or Industrial Truck Camera systems, that is far from the only reason to purchase them.

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Are “Industrial Grade” Lift Truck Camera Systems Worth The Cost?

“Value” is subjective, and when working for a company, few consider the value of a product to that company that employs them, it is often assumed that the lowest cost to the company is also the best value for them. The entire “Low bid” purchase requirement of most government entity BID and RFQs is driven by cost prioritized over quality or value.
The lowest cost is not always the Best Value.

There are advantages or “added value” in the Industrial Grade mobile video products offered, what follows are some compelling reasons to advocate for the higher quality and better value offered by “Industrial Grade” systems.

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Fleet Vehicle Video Camera System Function Verification

"Trust But Verify"
When Renaldus Maximus aptly stated “Trust but verify” he was referring to the USSR’s compliance with Nuclear Arms Treaty with the USA.

It is not enough to invest in a Vehicle Video Camera Surveillance Recording System for your fleet of vehicles. You must actually use and then monitor the function of those devices to obtain the value intrinsic in their ownership.

There is "0" value in a product that does not work when you need it and like any investment in a safety umbrella or insurance policy in case of bad events, you must maintain those safety or insurance-related products. Insurance policies have m monthly premiums, stop paying and the police are useless when you need it for a claim.

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Legal Considerations for Vehicle Video Cameras

There is an old phrase: “Hope for the best while preparing for the worst” that embodies the spirit of possibilities while guarding cautiously the potential for disappointment and tragedy.

The Vehicle Video Camera Driver Safety systems sold by American Bus Video Inc. are tools that can be used to document via Vehicle Video Camera Evidence what happens, as well as what did not happen on that vehicle. Like any tool there are proper use requirements for the safe use and functionality of that tool, the same is true of vehicle video surveillance cameras.

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Driving While Texting (DWT) Safety Camera

The age of COVID has rendered most other important topics on “hold” and likely for years as the mutations of COVID steal headlines, and consume every column in newspapers and every topic hour on mainstream media, or social media, as fear sells.

Still, some topics continue to wreak havoc on businesses due to their liability and potential for catastrophic damages and loss in human life as well as property. One of those areas of concern is still Texting While Driving.

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Police Suspect, Prisoner, Inmate Transport Safety Camera

In the current climate of year-long violent riots in major cities, Marxist trained rioters burning, looting, pillaging hundreds of stores, while the same angry mobs hold posters decrying Fascism under a Democrat administration with both houses of Congress and the talking heads on TV doing their best to support those rioting, burning and pillaging the cities under siege openly representing those captured in HD video responsible for assaults and murder as “Mostly peaceful protest”, discounting those tossing Molotov cocktails, bricks, frozen water bottles and fireworks at law enforcement officers as they are trying to bring order to those who must live in these areas as just a few isolated incidents.

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Paratransit ShuttleTransport Safety Camera Systems

The Paratransit Service vehicle camera surveillance system market encompasses a wide range of transportation services for those of us who may be frail, elderly, in recuperation, under Medicare or Medicaid treatment that dictates they require transportation, whether they can or cannot afford it, cannot provide for themselves or need assistance in obtaining.

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Why Purchase Forklift Safety Camera Recorder Systems from American Bus Video?

Why do you ask should you purchase your Industrial Lift Truck Operator Surveillance Camera from American Bus Video Inc.?
The same reasons why Public School Bus Cameras and Private Contractor Student Transportation Camera systems are purchased from us might be a good place to start.
What follows are some of the best reasons to invest in forklift Camera solutions from ABV.

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Top Forklift Camera Recorder Systems Questions

When seeking a forklift video surveillance camera recorder system to monitor lift operations and provide management oversight of company safety procedures, it is wise to know what questions to ask a potential supplier before you invest to ensure you are not getting something that you cannot use or does not properly serve your specific needs.

What follows are some target questions to help establish a good foundation for a system you can use now and adapt if necessary to expand into the future.

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Forklift Operator Safety Camera Recorder Benefits

One of the most dangerous as well as costly employee occupations for a company is operating a forklift or industrial lift truck.

The potential loss of life, employee injuries, rehab for those injuries, medical-related issues, liability claims, and insurance premiums can be costly collateral damage. The sad reality is in most cases these accidents can be prevented through professional lift operator training, proactive supervision, camera system surveillance accountability to assure the lift operations are performed correctly, and management oversight to correct the operations when there are failures.

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3 Grades of Mobile Video Vehicle Surveillance Camera Systems

Fleet managers' wants and needs are subjective and the Vehicle Video Surveillance System best suited for US Marshal Prison Bus Transport Video Surveillance may not be the best choice for Elderly Assisted Living Shuttle Video Camera Applications. Each application in the mobile video onboard camera market has its own specific requirements that must be met in order to adequately offer the liability protection or management oversight they are seeking.

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Analog High Definition (AHD) DVRs For 
Vehicle Safety Camera Surveillance Solutions

Many bells and whistles are available in the mobile vehicle camera surveillance and driver safety solutions offered in the vehicle surveillance markets. None of those features or attributes affects the functionality or ability to incorporate alternate technologies as much as the mobile DVR platform itself.

With a wide selection of possible DVR technologies to choose from when selecting a DVR platform to build your system solutions, only 1 offers the flexibility to adapt and incorporate different technologies in a way that permits you to truly embrace the concept of sustainability and recycle older Analog cameras side by side with the new HD Megapixel cameras, to help conserve resources and limit the pollution caused by forced obsolescence of fully functional cameras and system components and that is the Analog High Definition (AHD) Mobile DVR.

Why You Should Consider an Analog High-Definition DVR Platform?

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Switcher Truck 5th Wheel King Pin Safety Camera System

Over the last 30 years, our mobile video digital recorders have been adopted by many companies for their application
on industrial trucks, pallet trucks, and a wide variety of other vehicle-mounted mobile camera applications.

One of the most interesting of those applications has been in what we refer to as the “Switcher Truck 5th Wheel King Pin Camera System”, also called Yard Mules, used by companies who handle and move large numbers of containers/trailers on their yards.

The Switcher Truck 5th Wheel, King Pin Camera is the adaptation of our existing Mobile Vehicle Surveillance & Security Cameras adaptation of our School Bus Video Camera system wherein it is used to monitor the locked or not locked status of the 5th wheel or King Pin jaws in the yard tractor-trailer swapping or switching operations. Often what appears to be a good lock is not, and in some cases, where King Pin appears lock sitting still, the jaws can open and lose a load while making a turn in the yard.

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Do I need a Material Handling Forklift Operator Safety Camera Recorder?

OSHA estimates forklifts cause about 85 fatal accidents per year; 34,900 accidents result in serious injury, and 61,800 are classified as non-serious.

Material Handling, Forklift Camera Recorder is a long-offered management video evidence tool from the school bus/police market now adapted for use on pallet trucks, as well as heavy-duty material handling vehicles as a Forklift Safety Camera System.
In this application, the Forklift Camera DVR System can provide required management oversight, sequential video documentation of all lift and move actions undertaken by the forklifts, recorded on the Mobile Vehicle Surveillance & Security Cameras in high definition for later review if needed in case of accident or incident. Dangerous Driving Behaviors documentation is built into the system for the sequential charting of inertia forces demonstrating how the operator manages lifting operations.

Material Handling Forklift Camera Recorder vehicles equipped with sequential time and date-stamped unbiased high-definition video surveillance systems can provide digital expert witness video evidence when necessary.
As with all forms of protection against risk, the best time to provide this measure of management oversight or insurance is before you need it.

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